Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're still here!

So, I haven't written a blog post in a while. I'm sorry. Its not that Gordon and I have been busy, its just that I've been lazy. The longer time went on, the lazier I got about blogging. But that changes today.

To catch you up on whats been going on the last... uh, 5 months... I will give you the short and sweet highlights...

Gordon and I went to Okinawa.

We went to Okinawa with our social group, Aomugurikai, from Town Hall

We ran the Tokyo Marathon.

Actual time: 5 hours and 30 minutes.
And we went to Sapporo, Hokkaido.

With the 3rd grade teachers from Tohnosho Junior High.

Those are the highlights. I'll spare you the boring, mundane details of the everyday. Gordon and I are still like kids in a candy store here in Japan. Every experience seems like a great adventure and we have decided to stay in Japan another year! :)

 I promise to  blog soon about our next adventure.

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