(delicious = oishii, seaweed = nori)
Gordon and I went to our first sushi go round about a month ago and became sushi go round fanatics. What's not to like? There's delicious food on a conveyer belt just waiting for the taking. Not to mention each plate is only about 100 yen ($1) and there's many different kinds of rolls. Not feeling like sushi? Don't like raw fish? THAT'S O.K.! You can order other items off the touch screen menu like... drum roll please... FRENCH FRIES! Did I mention you don't have to know much Japanese to get by in a sushi go round? Variety, convenience and affordability. We're hooked!
A couple days ago, Gordon and I (mainly Gordon) were feeling adventureous and wanted to go to a sushi go round by ourselves. ALONE. Without a Japanese friend. Here's how it went down...
We wanted to find one sushi go round in particular in Kamisu City, the first one that we had been to with Fumiko. Well, we found it! Gordon and I parked, went inside, took a number from the computer and waited for our number to be called: 140. Once our number was called the fun began.
Gordon sits down. |
Then I sit down. |
We stare at the beautiful array of food. |
When we see something we like, we take it! |
If we don't see something we like, we order it (no human interaction needed). |
My favorite sushi: shrimp, avocado, thinly sliced onion and mayo. Yum! |
Gordon's favorite sushi: smoked salmon, cheese and basil mayo. Delicious (oishii)! |
Then we eat. Gordon is about to eat corn sushi. Yes, that's corn and mayo wrapped in seaweed (nori). |
Me deconstructing my sushi before I devour it. |
So, we had a successful trip and left feeling full and our pockets only a little lighter from our cheap meal. I think Gordon and I will make sushi go round a weekly occurrence.
Also, a side note, while looking up information about sushi go rounds, I stumbled across this game...for your enjoyment...
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