Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trash day

(rain = ame, ant = ari)
Today is our first day of rain. Every day since Gordon and I arrived has been sunny believe it or not. The rain has made the temperature drop about 10 degrees and the air conditioner is off and the windows are open. It’s a nice change from the humidity and hot sun.

I’m beginning to go a little stir-crazy (cabin fever). I can only learn so much Japanese and clean so many nooks and crannies before I start to go a little crazy. I can’t wait until we have Internet. September 1st spells relief. I keep thinking of all the insignificant things I could be doing on the Internet like going on Facebook, checking email, watching television shows (American shows!) on hulu and checking out random video clips of cute kittens sleeping.

Gordon and I are going this evening to make the first payment on our car so we’re a little closer to independence. We went on a short run this morning and afterwards decided to take out our stinking (literally) trash. The ants were starting to form a bigger colony near our back porch because they had extra provisions. We had to nip their plans to expand in the bud. They were starting to become a nuisance. So, Gordon and I noted a dump area for the trash and decided to take it there. The site is about a two or three blocks from our apartment and I wanted to make it a covert-op because I’m still scared of the Japanese ladies who might hurt me if I didn’t separate the trash correctly, much less if we were actually allowed to dump our trash at this spot. Gordon and I were making our way down to the dump, inconspicuously carrying three trash bags, when, of course, a lady stopped her car beside us. She didn’t start screaming in Japanese like I thought she would, but jabbered something in Japanese, smiled and made quite a bit of hand gestures. Gordon and I assumed the typical response: *smile and give the “oh, I see” face/naïve foreigner look* “Hai, hai, hai” (Yes, yes, yes) signaling that we understood every single word she said. I looked at Gordon.

Me: “What did she say?”
Gordon: “I don’t know. I think she was telling us we could leave the trash on the corner.”
Me: “Oh.”
Gordon: “Do you just want to leave it by that house near their trash?”
Me: “Sure.”

We drop the bags.

Gordon: “You want to run back to the apartment?”
Me: “Sure.”

Covert-op mission successful. Garbage is at the neighbors.

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